Wednesday 1 April 2009

Friends, Students, Theatregoers!

Whilst the fabled ides of March may have come and gone, Qaphela Caesar is still running at Hiddingh until friday. A combination of the schools of dance, drama, music and film, it's a pretty spectacular production. Hardly any of the original Shakespeare makes it into the show, with text being interpreted mainly through movement and music.So what can you expect? Half naked women in duct tape doing dances with fire extinguishers, full-body painted men doing choreographed dances with playing cards and black leather shoes, not to mention rather interesting combos of togas and high heels. And that's just for starters. Go and see it - it's a legal mind-altering experience.


  1. Hi there, i'm one of the 'foreign' students that's just tagging along here on your site...
    (thanx for the tips on writing, btw!)

    just wanted to let you guys know of another forum that i find really useful for all my UNISA subjects...

    Not an official UNISA site, but loads of students participate and it's great for helping out with assignments, exams, and just about everything else!

  2. Hello and welcome!

    Thanks for the useful website tip - I'll certainly pass that along to everyone. Good luck for your exams and glad the blog helps!
